Paul Davidson

Post Keynesian Economist

Professor Paul Davidson (October 23, 1930 - June 20, 2024) was Holly Chair of Excellence in Political Economy, Emeritus, at the University of Tennessee, US.

He co-founded the Journal of Post Keynesian Economics with Sidney Weintraub and is also author, co-author, or editor of 22 books including Who’s Afraid of John Maynard Keynes? Challenging Economic Governance in an Age of Growing Inequality (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017) John Maynard Keynes (Palgrave Macmillan, 2007) and The Keynes Solution: The Path to Global Economic Prosperity (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009), as well as over 210 articles.

He has testified before 20 congressional committees over the years on various economic questions.

“Paul Davidson, in his ninth decade, has produced a crisp and clear exegesis of essential Keynesian ideas and the critical failures of so-called mainstream economic thought. It is a good thing that Paul Davidson continues to remind us of how far from sanity and civilization we have drifted, in the decades since the death of Keynes.”

James K. Galbraith, Institute for New Economic Thinking on "Who's Afraid of John Maynard Keynes?"

Featured book

Who's Afraid of John Maynard Keynes?

by Paul Davidson

Davidson explains the importance of the market economy, and unveils how and why global financial crises occur when the liquidity of financial assets traded in the market, suddenly collapse.

70 years after Keynes’ death, in another era of financial crisis and economic slump, Keynes’ ideas have made a comeback within economic circles. Yet these ideas are not represented in contemporary government policy decisions. This book explains why Keynes’ ideas need to be used by political parties in order to restore global prosperity and close the gap between income and wealth inequality.

This book is essential reading for researchers, practitioners, students and the wider public interested in an economic understanding of today's global economic problems.

Davidson covers a lot of ground in an accessible and enlightening way....makes a convincing case for the replacement of the neoliberal approach with an alternative post-Keynesian policy, embedded within democratic control...provides the interested non-economist with the insight they need to help them understand our current economic problems and potential policy solutions...indispensable for those who want to understand the nature of the Post-Keynesian alternative to mainstream policy.

International Acclaim

Davidson has provided a masterful and concise account of what Keynes’s monetary analysis was all about and why that analysis remains relevant today. In the face of the most serious financial crisis since the Great Depression monetary theory theorists will be returning to Keynes’s insights and Davidson’s little book on John Maynard Keynes will provide an excellent starting point.;field=data;id=9517;m=view Colin Rogers, School of Economics, University of Adelaide.

The best books on John Maynard Keynes

Paul Davidson is renowned as a defender of John Maynard Keynes' legacy against generations of what he regards as misguided neoclassical economists and what Joan Robinson once labelled bastard Keynesians. Davidson masterfully leads the reader through a complex web of issues based on Keynes' monetary analysis developed in the General Theory.

American Monetary Institute. Professor Paul Davidson is widely regarded as a founder of Post-Keynesian economics in America


Selected books

Great Thinkers in Economics

Post Keynesian Theory and Policy

The Keynes Solution

Economics for a Civilized Society

Controversies in Post Keynesian Economics

Money and the Real World

International Money and the Real World

Financial Markets, Money and the Real World

Uncertainty, International Money, Employment and Theory

Inflation, Open Economies & Resources

Money & Employment

Interpreting Keynes for the 21st Century

Post Keynesian Macroeconomic Theory

Aggregate Supply & Demand Analysis

The Book Series: Essays in Honour of Paul Davidson

Series that annotates and celebrates the unique professional accomplishments and contributions to economic thought by Paul Davidson 

JPKE: The Journal of Post Keynesian Economics